While MGR comes with standard fields for major forms, you will probably want to add more of these as well as your own specialized fields.
Custom Fields can be added to all the major forms within the system including Tickets, Ticket checklists, Ticket Feedback, Customers and Products. Customization allows you to add/remove extra fields to the Standard Fields that come with the system. Please note that custom field options will vary depending on the interface. E.g. the ticket custom field option will be different than the customer or product custom fields however they all serve the same purpose.
The Custom Fields feature is available as standard with all plans. Custom fields help you create personalized records for a more productive experience. Each custom field will have unique field details, but they aren’t vastly different from one another.
Common elements include:
- Tab: In which tab the custom field show be displayed, the default value is “Overview“. You can create as many tabs as you like and custom fields can be displayed in any of the tabs.
- Custom Field Category: You can select the custom field category if needed. The custom fields for that category will be displayed on the ticket screen. You can also associate “Brands” and “Models” to make it more dynamic so only custom fields that are related to a particular brand or model are shown on the ticket screen. You must create the “Custom Field Categories” first.
- Lookup Occurrence: If you want the system to list all the tickets where the same value exists then use this option when enabled the system will search all the occurrences and all the corresponding tickets in the dropdown. Please note that you can insert the same used value again. This option is not to restrict the data it will just show the occurrences.
- Make it Unique: If you want the value to be unique then click on “Yes“, if the same value exists in any other ticket then the system will not let you save the ticket.
- Label – The name that will appear on the page.
- Value – The value that you would like to appear automatically. If the type is “Select“,”Multi Select“, “Combi Field (Text+Select)” or “Combi Field (Text+Multi Select)” then press enter after every entry.
- Description – Appears on the settings page. Used to clarify the purpose of the field.
- Required – If it’s required to be filled on the page.
- “Required Rules” – Additional rules based on other “Custom Field’s Data” which will determine if this field should be required or not. E.g. this field will be required only if the user selects “Plus Net” from the “Network” custom field. You can define as many rules on one field.
- Print Visibility – If it needs to be printed on the printouts.
- Show as Barcode: If “Yes” then the value of the custom field will be displayed as a barcode.
- Type – Custom field type, currently we have Text, Select, Textarea, File Upload, Section/Group, Date, Checkbox, Pattern Lock, Multi-Select, Combi Field (Text+Select), Combi Field (Text+Multi Select)
- Validity – Check the input of the data, there are two values, number and email.
- Status – Enabled or not.
- Delete data after “Resolved/Picked up”: If “Yes” then all the stored data in this custom field will be deleted after the ticket is set to “Resolved/Picked up“.
- Linked Customer Custom Field: If you want to link this custom field with one of the customer’s custom fields then select it from the drop-down.
- Show On Customer Equipment: If this option is set to “Yes” then it will be shown on the customer’s equipment page.
You also have additional functions to perform the following.
- Line Break – This will allow you to add a line break as you may want the new field to appear “After” or “Before“.
- Collapse Custom Field – This will allow you to collapse the select custom field.
- Copy/Clone Custom Field – This will allow you to make a copy of that field so you can easily edit the option.
- Drag and drop this field to change its order – This will allow you to move that field up or down.
- Delete – Delete the custom field, please note if you delete the custom field then all the data associated with this field will be deleted so please perform this action with caution.
Most custom field types are easy to understand.
- Text (Text Box)
- Select (Select box – Dropdown)
- Textarea
- File Upload (Browse Button)
- Section/Group (Separator)
- Date (Calendar with just date)
- Date and Time (Calendar with the date and time)
- Checkbox (Tick boxes, radio buttons, yes/no)
- Password
- Pattern Lock
- Multi-Select – Multichoice
- Tags – Multichoice – Tags are labels that you create to help organize your customers. It is also used in MailChimp integration.
- Combi Field (Text+Select) – Combination of a text box and drop-down
- Combi Field (Text+Multi Select) – Combination of a text box and multi-select box
- Link
- IMEI / Unique Identity – This field can be used for the IMEI or any unique Identity you may have for your asset.
Here are some other fields you might not be so familiar with:
Multi-Select – The Multi-Select field enables you to select one or more values from a predefined set of choices that are displayed in a drop-down menu.
Combi Field (Text+Select) – Combi fields are a combination of two fields, this one will be the combination of a text box and drop-down, there are times when the value is not in the drop-down and having the option to write makes it easy.
Combi Field (Text+Multi Select) – Combi fields are a combination of two fields, this one will be the combination of a text box and multi-select dropdown so you write as well as choose more than one value from the drop-down.
File Upload |
Section/Group |
Date |
Checkbox |
Pattern Lock |
Multi Select
Combi Field (Text+Select)
Combi Field (Text+Select)
Please be aware that, in the process of saving custom field data through any interface, we adhere to a policy of not storing blank fields. This ensures that our data storage remains efficient and focused on meaningful information.